133 No. 8th Street

(Also formerly known as Church Street)

Address: 133 North 8th Street

Legal Description: Lot 73, North ¼


1872 Vacant lot.

1892 Maps put out by the Sanborn Map Co., for use by fire insurance companies, do not show any buildings at this location until 1909. The maps issued for Geneva begin with 1892, following with 1897, 1902, 1909, 1922, 1933 and 1943.

1909 The Sanborn Maps show a blacksmith shop at this location.

1909 M. L. Flick had a blacksmith shop here.

1912 Harry Crandall bought Flick’s blacksmith shop just south of the Hourigan livery stable.

1937 Harry Crandall began the erection of a new blacksmith shop on lots on the south side of the park. He had been in his present location for 26 years. The building he occupied was to be torn down by the owner, Eric Johnson, who expected to build from the north end of the building he was erecting to the alley.

This was a vacant lot as of the last posting.