Old Brickyard Park

1908 The Geneva baseball team organized at a meeting held at the office of County Treasurer Chas. Buehrer. Chas. Thorpe was elected manager and Bert Lynn was chosen as treasurer. They were to play Exeter in Geneva that same week.

1919 In August, Strang defeated the Geneva team in Strang. Geneva was to host the Milligan team on the new grounds near the brickyard. The Fairmont team was to come the next week. Then the next week they would go to Fairmont to play at the Old Settler’s Picnic.

1919 In August, the following week, Geneva played two games, winning both at the new grounds south of the brickyard.

1920 In July, Geneva defeated the Superior team at the brickyard park.

1921 Charles Buehrer, Fred Picard and Earl Wilkins created a trustee committee to sell the four lots bought by the Geneva baseball association about eight years ago for use as a permanent athletic field. The field was never used because it was too small. The proceeds from selling the lots and the cash on hand ($127) was to be loaned to the baseball organization of 1921 for the erection of a grandstand at what was known as the brickyard grounds.