146 No. 8th Street

(Also formerly known as Church Street)

Address: 146 North 8th Street

Legal Description: Lee’s Subdivision of Out Lot 26, Lot 29


1872 Vacant lot.

1889 Private dwelling

1890 Mrs. Jennie Whittle purchased the property and ran a dressmaking shop in her home.

1891 Tom Jewell, broom maker, decided to go back to his old business of broom making. The Jewell broom was manufactured at the same place, two doors north of the Photo Gallery.

1892 Mrs. Whittle sold the property in April 1892 to William Estabrook. Then in November 1892 he sold the property to J. M. Fillebrown.

1892 T. T. Jewell & Co., were the proprietors of the Geneva Broom Factory. A newspaper article dated October 26, 1892 stated that they had been in business for the past six years. (Jewell eventually ended up in Ashland making brooms, but returned to Geneva in 1896 at 128 So. 8th)

1902 The Sanborn Maps showed the building as a private dwelling. Sylvanus Merrill purchased the property in 1902 and it remained a private rental property.