1233 D Street

(Also formerly known as Adams Street)

Address: 1233 D Street

Legal Description: Smith and Sloss, 2nd Addition Lots 259-264 Peter Youngers 1st Addition Lot 4


1883 Peter Youngers bought a farm two miles East of Geneva (Guy Brown Jr. farm) and planted 20 acres of apple trees.

1889 Peter Youngers and A. J. Brown were partners..

1900 Peter Youngers built a nursery stock and warehouse on the Burlington track. (The warehouse was later used as the Legion Club.)

1904 Mr. Youngers purchased 150 acres from W. I. Carson and planted fruit trees.

1921 Mr. A. J. Brown became the proprietor, assisted by his son, Guy Brown, Sr.

1930 Guy A. Brown had a new nursery building to better serve its customers.

1933 The nursery was run by Guy Brown, Jr.

1959 The nursery was sold to Floyd “Pete” Schroeder.

1965 The nursery was closed. Lawrence Doud purchased the property and houses were built here.