Week Seven: Scene

Monday 3/17--Journal entry due (don't forget to put the date FIRST in the title bar: i.e. "3/18--Journal Entry"). Word count: 900 words (juniors: 450 word count).

Possible topic: describe a moment of great intensity in your life. Notice your writing process as you describe it. Does your writing change as it becomes more intense? You might write about the process of writing about the moment of intensity (meta-writing).

Tuesday 3/18--Read Writing Fiction, "Long Ago: Fictional Time," pp. 208-222.

Thursday 3/20- Read "Man in the Black Suit" in your reader, p. 122-132. Note how King sets up the scene and creates suspense.

    • Please add to the collaborative story. Directions are below and posted on the Google doc:

        • Please add to the collaborative story--this time 2-3 sentences.

        • Let’s keep the story mainly in scene but the first or second person can transition into the next scene with summary.

          • Keep in mind what a scene consists of according to Burroway:

            • Scene=dialogue + action

            • Something must change in the scene

            • Setting is important

            • Every scene has a turning point or mini crisis that propels the story forward

Friday 3/21--NO SCHOOL