Spring '11--Weeks 10-15

Monday 4/18--Review clauses and pronoun case.

Tuesday 4/19--Vocab quiz #7. Review Pudd'nhead Wilson, pp. 5-29.

Wednesday 4/20--Read and take notes on Pudd'nhead Wilson, pp. 29-41.

Thursday 4/21--Read and take notes on Pudd'nhead Wilson, pp. 42-55 plus informal writing assignment.

Friday 4/22--Quiz on Chapt. 8 of VEII; review clauses and case in pink book and purple book. In pink book, do exercises on page 77, 82, and 83.

Monday 4/25--No homework weekend! (The reading for Tuesday is long but there will be time in class on Monday to do part of it.)

Tuesday 4/26--Read and take notes on Pudd'nhead Wilson, pp. 55-77.

Wednesday 4/27--CPS Day.

Thursday 4/28--Read and take notes on Pudd'nhead Wilson, pp. 78-bottom of 95.

Friday 4/29--Quiz on Chapt. 9 of VEII; read about mood and voice in pink Workbook, pp. 84 & 85.

Monday 5/2--Read and take notes on Pudd'nhead Wilson, pp. 96-113 (bottom).

Tuesday 5/3--Read and take notes on Pudd'nhead Wilson, pp. 114-128 (bottom). Plus revision of Gatsby paragraph to be posted on your personal website under "Reflections on Writing."

Please answer the following questions by Tuesday, May 3rd and revise ONE of your Gatsby paragraphs.

** Please paste the revision to your paragraph into the body of a post, rather than attach it (under "Reflections on Writing").

1. Read over your reflections on the Gatsby passage test and also re-read the paragraphs you wrote with my comments.

2. Reading your paragraphs now, after some time has passed, do you notice anything in your writing that you hadn't noticed before?

3. What makes you proud when you re-read your passages?

4. What would you like to work on?

Wednesday 5/4--Read and take notes on Pudd'nhead Wilson, pp. 129-145 (end).

Thursday 5/5--In-class writing assignment on Pudd'nhead Wilson.

Friday 5/6--Quiz on Chapt. 10 of VEII. Review mood and voice and do exs. on agreement in Workbook, pp. 89-90.

Monday 5/9--Introduction to The Ramayana. Read and take notes on The Ramayana, pp. 3-21 (up to “thousand-eyed god”).

Tuesday 5/10--Read and take notes on The Ramayana, pp. 21-40 (up to “only go about it this way . . .”).

Wednesday 5/11--Read and take notes on The Ramayana, pp. 40-61.

Thursday 5/12--Read and take notes on The Ramayana, pp. 62-82 ("get out of it").

Friday 5/13--Read and take notes on The Ramayana, pp. 82-101 ("at your feet.").

Monday 5/16--Introduction to The Ramayana. Read and take notes on The Ramayana, pp. 101-120.

Tuesday 5/17--Master Vocab Test

Wednesday 5/18--Read and take notes on The Ramayana, pp. 121-138.

Thursday 5/19--Read and take notes on The Ramayana, pp. 139-157 (end).

Friday 5/20--Review day.