Week Eleven: Openings and Conclusions
Mon 4/22--Collaborative story. As before, please write 2-3 sentences and email me.
The following people should email me their additions to the story:
A1-a: Ben R; A1-b: Mira//A1-a: Sam K. A1-b: Allie
A2-a: Helen; A2-b: Colin//A2-a: Emma ; A2-b: Scott
B1-a: Jay; B1-b: Justin//B1-a: Journie ; B1-b: Clare
B2-a: Vivek; B2-b: Bianca//B2-a: Anna ; B2-b: Alex
*** Please take a look at the following website on plot to get ideas on how to move the story along: Propp et al.
Tues 4/23--Read "Hanwell in Hell" (reader pages 95-104). The remaining 8 people should add to the collaborative story (2-3 sentences to whichever link you prefer).
Thurs 4/24--
Journal entry: 950 words. Optional topic: reflect on openings and conclusions in your life.
Everyone should add 5 sentences to the collaborative story who did not add sentences on Monday.
Please bring one of your two stories to class.
Fri 4/25--Re-write the first 150 words of your story from THREE rather different POVs for a minimum word count of 450 words. Please bring in THREE copies of your assignment to share with classmates during a mini-workshop in class on Friday.
Note: make sure to bring three copies of the original opening, too!
Note: changing the POV may change your opening in surprising ways. Let the change in POV dictate where the new opening goes--possibly in a very different direction from the old one.
Please bring your reader to class.