Spring '13--Week Four

Monday 2/18--NO SCHOOL

Tuesday 2/19--Read and take notes on Twelfth Night, Act. V, pp. 161-175, line 218.

Wednesday 2/20--Finish Twelfth Night.

Thursday 2/21--In-class essay on Twelfth Night.

    • For homework, please post answers to the following questions in the reflections part of your homework site:

      • i. Do you have any new insights now that you’re reading your paragraph again?

        • 1. Anything that was stronger than you thought originally?

        • 2. Anything that needs improvement?

        • ii. Did you go back and edit/delete a lot when you were writing or did you just keep moving forward?

        • 1. Is it better for you to write more quickly or to slow down?

        • iii. What tips for writing on Shakespeare might you share with your classmates?

        • iv. Will you use the same writing strategies for the essay tomorrow or modify them/try something new?

Friday 2/22--Vocab quiz on VEII, Chapter 4; do phrase review exercises on p. 61 of Workbook.