Week 16: Review

Mon 12/4 (S): Read study guide and bring in any questions you have.

Tues 12/5 (S): Click here for Canvas assignment

    • Be sure to go to the correct block (F or G) to post your assignment

Weds 12/6 or Thurs 12/7 (L):

  • On Canvas here, please do the following:

    • Pick two passages from The Odyssey (you can use your classmates' passages from Thursday's assignment if you wish) that are thematically related.

    • Make sure you say where in The Odyssey these passages are from and give page numbers.

    • Write a semi-formal freewrite in which you compare or contrast the passages above.

      • Identify an important idea or value or theme that the two passages share

        • Explain how each passage develops that idea

      • Analyze closely by explaining the significance of specific words, phrases, and images

      • Word count for freewrite: 300 words minimum

Fri 12/8 (S): Please do the following:

    • Please find the assignment on Canvas

      • PDF of the passages to analyze below.

    • Also, please re-read your Odyssey in-class essay (on Bk 12 or 19/20) and hit "reply" to my side comments

      • Fine to just acknowledge my comments with "okay" or "I get it" if it's not an easy fix

      • If you don't understand a comment, then please come talk to me!

Extra essays on The Odyssey and "Red Convertible" here