Week One: Inspiration

Note: all assignments are due on the day to which they are assigned.

Monday 2/3—Introduction to the course. Introduction of students and teacher.

Tuesday 2/4 Read the course website, paying particular attention to the syllabus. Bring in any questions you have about the course/course policies.

Write a 350-400 word double-spaced typed letter to me that addresses the following questions (not necessarily in this order):

Note: If you've been in one of my seminars before, some of this may be repetitive but please write the letter anyway. Sometimes students' preferences, strengths, interests, etc. change, sometimes not--either way, the letter is still very helpful to me.

1. Please tell me about yourself as a student. What kind of learning environment works best for you? Are you, for example, a visual learner, the kind of person who works better if you see graphs and charts and writing on the board? Another example: are you the kind of student who prefers small group work or pair work?

2. In what areas would you like to improve as a student? If there are specific issues or topics in creative writing you'd like to address, please mention them. E.g. "I've always liked to write stories, but I never know how to write dialogue" or "I honestly don't feel like a 'creative' person and often get writer's block when I try to write a story."

3. Would you call yourself more of a talker or a listener in class? If a talker, suggest what you could do—and how I can help you—to improve your listening skills. If a listener, suggest would you could do—and how I can help you—to improve your talking skills.

4. Tell me a little about why you’re interested in taking a creative writing class. What are you hoping to get from it?

5. Finally, introduce yourself to me as a person--what would you like me to know about you. For example, tell me about an interesting failure or something unique or quirky about you.

Thursday 2/6—

Friday 2/7—

  • Read excerpt from Writing Down the Bones (attached below).

  • Writing Exercise: Pick one of the topics for writing practice listed on pp. 20-22. Write for 10-15 minutes following the "rules" listed on p. 8. You won't have to hand this in or show it to anyone (including me) but bring the paper just so I can see you did the assignment.

  • Come up with THREE suggestions for writing prompts following the list suggested on pp. 20-22 of Writing Down the Bones.

  • Read Jane Bakerman "The Seams Can't Show" about Toni Morrison (attached down below as a PDF).

  • In your journal, please post 5 ways you find inspiration to be creative.


      • E.g. "2/7--5 Ways I Get Inspired"

    • Note: I've changed this assignment. No worries if you've already done the other assignment. Just change your journal entry and keep the other assignment on a word document. We'll be getting around to that exercise soon!