Fall '11--Weeks 10, 11, and 12

Mon 11/7--Read summary of Books 14-17 (see subpage and attached summary of Books 14-17). Also, read and take notes on The Odyssey,Book 18:


Tues 11/8--Read and take notes on Book 19.

Weds 11/9--Read and take notes on Book 20.

Thurs 11/10--Read and take notes on Book 21. Also, revision of paragraph of Odyssey in-class essay due.

  • Please revise one of the paragraphs with my suggestions in my mind. Note that a good revision involves more than simply fixing grammar errors and punctuation or switching around the order of a couple sentences. Often, a revision includes re-worked ideas that, in turn, change the whole composition of the paragraph.

  • Post your revision under the "homework" section of your personal website.

  • Note: If you didn't answer my questions about what you're proud of in the essay/how to improve it/etc. (find them under "Reflections on Writing" where I posted your essay) then please answer these questions, too.

Friday 11/11--NO SCHOOL!

Mon 11/14--Read and take notes on The Odyssey, Book 22. Revision due if you didn't do it for Thursday 11/10.

Tues 11/15--Read and take notes on Book 23.

Weds 11/16--Read and take notes on Book 24.

Thurs 11/17-

In the homework section of your personal website, please post a freewrite for your essay. Word count: 500 words.

By "freewrite," I mean that you should write quickly and not worry about spelling, grammar, etc. The freewrite is to get your ideas out and flowing--it will not be graded!

Fri 11/18--Vocabulary quiz #8. Read about direct and indirect objects in HGW (pp. 28-30 and 121). Bring pink workbook (we will do pp. 35-38).

*** If you want to get started thinking about your Odyssey at-home essay, please click on the following link for topics:


Mon 11/21--Due--Write the introduction to your essay (make sure the last sentence is your thesis).

In addition, write either:

a) 2 topic sentences and 6 quotations


b) 4 quotations and analysis of the quotations (1-2 sentences of analysis per quotation)

Please post this in the "homework" section of your personal website.

Tuesday 11/22--Essay due. In class, you'll post it on turnitin.com

Make sure you have multiple copies of your essay (you might email yourself a copy) so it doesn't get lost/swallowed up by your computer!