Fall '12--Week Four

Monday 9/17: Read and take notes on "A Real Durwan" (at the very end of your reader).

    • Make sure to mark rich, interesting passages where you suspect that Lahiri may be saying more than she states outright.

    • Think about the reasons underlying the way the residents of the building treat Boori Ma at the start of the story and at the end.

Tuesday 9/18:

1. On a word document, write a one sentence answer to the question: "What is to blame for Boori Ma's expulsion?" Make your answer thoughtful and "deep"--not something obvious that anyone can say after reading the story quickly.

2. After your answer, please do a freewrite in which you explore/expand upon your one-sentence answer to the above question. Do not worry about spelling, punctuation, etc.; the important this is to get your ideas on paper quickly.

3. You may include quotations if you wish and/or freewrite on an important quotation/s.

3. Word count: 300 (or more) words.

***Please post your free write in the homework section of your private webpage!

Wednesday 9/19: Draft due of "mini-essay" on "A Real Durwan."

Instructions to be found here: Durwan assignment

***Please post your draft in the homework section of your private webpage!

*** Remember to read my comments on your last two homework assignments.

Thursday 9/20: Durwan assignment due! (Instructions posted above--see link.) Please save your essay as a word document and bring your computer to class. In class on Thursday, we'll go over how to post your essay on turnitin.com

Friday 9/21--Vocab. quiz #3 of Vocabulary Energizers. Read about adjectives and adverbs in How Grammar Works, pp. 41-45 and 47-53 and do examples on pp. 45 and 53. Bring pink workbook to class.