Weeks 1 and 2

Mon 8/25: Intro to class and to one another.

Tues 8/26:

Read "How to Mark a Book" and how to annotate


write the following:

  • Pick a passage from West With the Night that moved you and/or that you found important in some way.

  • Re-type the passage, giving the page number/s.

  • Write one double-spaced paragraph (5-7 sentences long, 12 pt. Times New Roman) explaining why it moved you.

  • Please write this on your laptop to bring to class on Tuesday.

Weds 8/27: Writing assignment:

“Names are keys that open corridors no longer fresh in the mind but nonetheless familiar in the heart” (3)

  • Choose the name of a place that opens a corridor in your mind.

  • Write one double-spaced paragraph (5-7 sentences long, 12 pt. Times New Roman) about that place

    • Model the sentence structure of the passage on page 8 that begins “Africa is mystic . . .”

      • "NAME OF PLACE is _______; it is _____; it is a ____________; it is a _____________, a _________, a __________. It is what you ______, and it ____________. It is the __________ or the ___________. To a lot of people, as to myself, it is just ‘______.’ It is all these things but one thing—it is never ______.

      • Your paragraph should continue on after this introduction for 2-4 more sentences.

    • Please write this on your laptop to bring to class on Wednesday.

Thurs 8/28: Read "Two Kinds" in blue short story reader.

  • Pick out 3 passages or paragraphs you find particularly interesting from the story.

  • Be ready to explain in class why you find each passage or paragraph interesting.

    • It could be an interesting idea that the passage suggests or a question it raises.

    • Perhaps something the passage reveals about the narrator.

    • Just be able to articulate your reasons for choosing each of your 3 passages.

Friday 8/29--Vocabulary quiz on Chapt. 1 of Vocabulary Energizers.

  • Also, read about nouns on pp. 8-12 of How Grammar Works and do the exercises on pp. 9 & 12.

  • Read about pronouns in the pink Grammar Workbook, pp. 5-6.

  • In class we’ll work on pp. 4, 7, & 8 of the Workbook. Bring pink workbook with you to class.

Monday 9/1: No school!

Tuesday 9/2: Read and take notes on "Raymond's Run" in blue short story reader.

**Look through the notes you took this summer but don’t worry about getting the assignment “right.”

Wednesday 9/3: Quotation assignment (summary and analysis) of "Raymond's Run."

  • Please do the assignment on a word doc you bring to class.

  • Assignment to be found by clicking here.

Thursday 9/4: Read and take notes on "Man of the House" in reader, pp. 31-34.

Friday 9/5: Vocab quiz #2 of Vocabulary Energizers.

  • Also, read about verbs in the pink Grammar Workbook, pp. 9-12.

  • We'll do exercises on pp. 13-15 in class.

  • Bring only the pink workbook with you.

*** Time for all the above assignments: 30-40 minutes of focused attention (hide your phone, turn "airport" off, etc.).

*** Important: Please bring your laptop fully charged to class every day.

*** Please note that I have a tendency to change assignments so don't get too far ahead or you might end up doing work that's unnecessary.

Policy re. laptops: During class, laptops are meant to be used only for classroom assignments, not for checking email, perusing the internet, games, etc.