Weeks 10 and 11: Scene and POV

M 3/20--S:To post on Canvas:

For this assignment, please do one or more of the following options:

      • Freewrite on a story that you have in mind.

      • Brainstorm THREE story ideas (then write on one or more of them).

      • Look through your old freewrites and use one as the genesis of a story. OR combine two freewrites into one story

      • Note: if you already have written a draft of your story, then you can use this journal to write whatever you'd like (possibly consult the list of freewrite prompts from earlier this semester)

Total word count: 900 words.

Tu 3/21--S: Please read "A Shinagawa Monkey" in your short story reader.

Weds 3/22--Story writing day (assignment changed)--work on your story.

Fri 3/24--S: Draft of story submission #2 due

  • Please print out three copies of your story to distribute

      • If you are absent on this day, you are responsible for emailing your story to your classmates and making sure you receive copies of their stories.

    • Note: if you want specific feedback from the students who will be reading your story, please make a list of your questions and put them at the end of the piece.

Writing Workshop Groups—Round 2:

a) Ethan, Grace L, Tuna, Amina

b) Martha, Grace H., Meher, Will

c) Ori, Ruby, Nick, Chris

d) Nathan, Josh, Tara, Maggie

a) Arnav, Charlotte, Brianna, Anthony

b) Zandra, Cora, Jack, Eli

c) Ashley, Grace C, Sammy, Logan

d) Lauren, Gabe, Jacob, Allie

M 3/27--L: L: Read and comment on the student stories from your group

    • Please write in both the margins and jot a few notes at the end of the story

    • Remember to frame your comments respectfully--questions rather than judgements, as a rule of thumb

      • Keep in mind that early drafts are fragile--you don't want to dampen an author's enthusiasm for continuing to work on their story

    • Please put your name on your copy of the story so the author can follow up with you and ask questions if they need clarification on a comment

W 3/29--S: Please read Writing Fiction, Chapter 8, "Call Me Ishmael: Point of View," pp. 276-292.

Th 3/30--L: Story #2 due