Fall '10--Weeks 10-12

Mon 11/8 Due—Book 19

Read and take notes.

Revision of paragraph of in-class essay due. Please post in "Reflections on Writing" on your personal website. See instructions for assignment on your personal website under "Reflections on Writing."

Tue 11/9 Due—Book 20

Read and take notes.

Wed 11/10 Due—Book 21

Read and take notes.

Thu 11/11 No Class—Veterans Day

Fri 11/12 Due— Read about direct and indirect objects in HGW (pp. 28-30 and 121). Bring pink workbook (we will do pp. 35-38).

Ch. 8 Vocabulary Quiz

Week 11

Mon 11/15 Due—Book 22

Read and take notes.

Tue 11/16 Due—Book 23

Read and take notes.

Wed 11/17 Due—Book 24

Read and take notes.

Thu 11/18 Due—

In your personal website, please post a freewrite for the analytical portion of your essay. Post this under "Essay Drafts." Word count: 500 words.

By "freewrite," I mean that you should write quickly and not worry about spelling, grammar, etc. The freewrite is to get your ideas out and flowing--it will not be graded!

Fri 11/19 Due--

Come up with a draft of your thesis sentence (you can change it later) AND either:

a) 2 topic sentences and 6 quotations


b) 4 quotations and analysis of the quotations (1-2 sentences of analysis per quotation)

Please post this in the "Essay Draft" section of your website.

Week 12

Mon 11/22 Due--

Rough draft due of BOTH parts of your project--the analytical essay and the creative assignment. Note, by "rough draft," I mean a draft that's pretty close to what you'll hand in as a final project tomorrow. Please POST under "Writing Drafts" on your personal website.

Tue 11/13 Due--

Writing Project (both analytical and creative parts). Please bring to class on your laptop, saved as a Word document. Tomorrow, you will post it on turnitin.com during class. (Note: if you'll be absent during class then please go to the site yourself and post your work. You'll be able to post after 1:30 pm tomorrow.)

Wed 11/17 Due

—read about subjective complements (predicate nouns and predicate adjectives) in HGW (28-30 & 121); bring pink workbook (we will do pp. 35-38 in class).

Ch. 9 Vocabulary Quiz

Thu 11/18 No Class—Thanksgiving

Fri 11/19 No Class—Thanksgiving