Week 3--Spring

Mon 1/26--Read and mark up "The Crabs"

    • Practice in-class essay at site

    • See Canvas for in-class essay topic

      • Note: don't open this till you're ready to read the poem and write on it for 40 minutes

    • This is an "S" assignment (it's just practice for next Monday's in-class essay!)

Tues 1/27--Read and mark up "Pastoral" by William Carlos Williams (attached below)

    • Write 3-5 sentences on your sheet pointing out a tension or conflict you've noted in the poem. You can point out more than one conflict or tension if you wish.

      • E.g. in "The Blessing," you might say that there's a tension or conflict between the speaker's everyday existence and the joy he experiences when petting the horse. Or you might say there's a tension between the loneliness that marks the horses' everyday experience and the love the horses have for one another...

    • S-E assignment

Weds 1/28--Read and mark up "The River Merchant's Wife" (to be attached and handed out in class)

    • Write 3-5 sentences on your sheet pointing out a tension or conflict you've noted in the poem. You can point out more than one conflict or tension if you wish.

      • E.g. in "The Blessing," you might say that there's a tension or conflict between the speaker's everyday existence and the joy he experiences when petting the horse. Or you might say there's a tension between the loneliness that marks the horses' everyday experience and the love the horses have for one another...

    • Identify at least TWO poetic devices this poem uses and write them on your sheet

    • S-E assignment

Thurs 1/29--Read and mark up "The Chimney Sweeper" for practice essay

    • Write practice in-class essay at home

    • Topic now posted on Canvas.

      • I suggest you don't read the poem or the question until you've set a timer and are ready to write the essay.

Fri 1/30--STUDENT HOLIDAY (lucky you!!)

Mon 2/2--In-class essay on a poem at site