Fall '12--Week Six

Mond 10/1--No Class—Fall Holiday

Tue 10/2--Bring The Odyssey to Class Note: You need to have the Fitzgerald translation.

Introduction to The Odyssey

Wed 10/3--Read and take notes on Book I

Thu 10/4--Read and take notes on Book II

Character quiz--please review the names of key characters: Character list

Note: below are the names and descriptions of the characters who got cut off the above list:

Kirke (Circe)—a nymph with magical powers

Teiresias—blind prophet, now dead

Agamemnon—King of Argos, brother of Menelaos; led the troops to the Trojan War, now dead

Klytaimnestra—wife of Agamemnon, who kills him when he returns home from the Trojan War, now dead

Akhilleus/Achilles—greatest of the Trojan warriors, now dead

Kalypso (Calypso)—minor goddess, daughter of Atlas; detains Odysseus on her island of Ogygia for approx. 7 years

Nausicaa—daughter of King Alkinoos and Queen Arete, in the land of Phaiakia

Aigisthos—Menalaos’ and Agamemnon’s cousin, lover of Klytaimnestra and Agamemnon’s murderer

Orestes—son of Agamemnon and Klytaimnestra; killed his mother and Aigisthos

Fri 10/5--Read and take notes on Conjunctions: Read pp. 70-71 & 153 (HGW);

Exercises on p. 29 (Workbook)

Ch. 5 Vocabulary Quiz