English 1 '18--assignments to be posted

Fri 9/28 (S): Re-read/review “The Red Convertible," thinking about the following question:

      • "Why does Lyman release the car into the river?"

        • Please don't discuss your answer with other students.

      • Please do a 300-word freewrite on "The Red Convertible" that you'll post on Canvas (link not yet active)

        • By "freewrite," I mean just jot down ideas about the question without worrying about grammar, spelling, etc. The goal is to write quickly and fluidly--just "vomit" ideas out onto the screen.

        • Don't use bullet points; write in sentences (but the sentences don't have to be good)

        • You can use dictation software if you'd like to experiment

      • Time for assignment: 30-40 minutes (no more!)

Mon 10/1 (S): Writing workshop #2 on "The Red Convertible"

  • Link to the assignment is HERE (link not yet active)

Tues 10/2 OR Weds 10/3: (L) Writing assignment on "The Red Convertible" due

Thurs 10/4, Fri 10/5: (L) Begin The Odyssey

  • Please look at the beginning of Book 1, but don't feel you have to read more than a couple pages. I intend for this homework assignment to be light. You'll finish reading Book 1 next Monday.

  • Please bring the book to class.