Fall '11: Week One

Tues 9/6: Intro to class and to one another.

Weds 9/7: Writing assignment on Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress:

Your response should be one double-spaced paragraph (7 to 10 sentences long, 12 pt. Times New Roman). Make sure to identify the character and be as specific as you can about the type of strength the character possesses.

Thurs 9/8: Pick out 3 passages or paragraphs you find particularly interesting from Balzac.

a. Mark these paragraphs with a star or another symbol.

b. In a word document, write down these page numbers.

c. After each page number, write 2-3 sentences explaining what makes that passage or paragraph an interesting one to you. It could be an interesting idea that the passage suggests or a question it raises. Perhaps something the passage reveals about the narrator. Just be able to articulate your reasons for choosing each of your 3 passages.

*** Time for assignment: 30-40 minutes of focused attention (hide your phone, turn "airport" off, etc.).

*** Please type and print out this assignment, to hand in to me tomorrow.

Fri 9/9: Read and take notes on "Raymond's Run" in blue short story reader.

Please consult the following links if you're unsure how to take notes: https://sites.google.com/a/thecollegepreparatoryschool.org/dr-anderson/english-1-3/handouts/notetaking-skills and



*** Important: Please bring your laptop fully charged to class every day.

Policy re. laptops: During class, laptops are meant to be used only for classroom assignments, not for checking email, perusing the internet, games, etc.

Please remember to bring the appropriate texts to class every day. If we're reading a story, bring your copy of that story. If we're doing grammar, bring your grammar book. Thanks!

Which character in Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress do you consider the strongest (bravest, most resilient, most clever, etc.). Why?