Week 3: Show and Tell
Mon 1/25--Read Chapter 2 of Writing Fiction, "Seeing Is Believing," pp. 21-42 (you can skip the stories).
In a discussion on Canvas, post a list of 5 smells you love AND 5 smells you hate.
Tues 1/26--Journal entry
Required prompt:
Write about noises you wish you've never heard or tastes you wish you never experienced. Use as much sensory detail as possible when describing these auditory and taste experiences.
Lie down wherever you are (carpet, cement, grass, etc.) and describe the textures you feel beneath you. Again, use as much sensory detail as possible.
Word count: 700 words
Note: after you've written a bit on the above prompt (200 words), you're welcome to go off on a tangent for the rest of the entry and write about whatever you'd like.
Thurs 1/28--Assignment posted on Canvas--"Textures and Tastes." Make sure you post in the correct period.