Week 3: Show and Tell

Mon 1/25--Read Chapter 2 of Writing Fiction, "Seeing Is Believing," pp. 21-42 (you can skip the stories).

    • In a discussion on Canvas, post a list of 5 smells you love AND 5 smells you hate.

Tues 1/26--Journal entry

    • Required prompt:

      • Write about noises you wish you've never heard or tastes you wish you never experienced. Use as much sensory detail as possible when describing these auditory and taste experiences.

      • AND/OR:

      • Lie down wherever you are (carpet, cement, grass, etc.) and describe the textures you feel beneath you. Again, use as much sensory detail as possible.

    • Word count: 700 words

    • Note: after you've written a bit on the above prompt (200 words), you're welcome to go off on a tangent for the rest of the entry and write about whatever you'd like.

Thurs 1/28--Assignment posted on Canvas--"Textures and Tastes." Make sure you post in the correct period.