Week Two: Inspiration

1/20--No school!


  • Read Jane Bakerman "The Seams Can't Show" about Toni Morrison (attached below as a PDF).

  • Read: "The Omens"

    • Two separate PDFs below (apologies for image quality on page 2!)

  • On a word or Google doc, please write 5 ways you find inspiration to be creative (we'll create a collective Google doc in class).

1/23 (Block E) or 1/24 (Block D)--L:

  • Read: Chapter One of Writing Fiction, 1-19

  • Journal Entry #2

    • Please pick one of your classmates' prompts to write on from the list we generated in class

      • Alternative: don't use a prompt at all and see where your mind simply leads you

      • Alternative 2: if the first prompt doesn't generate much, try another one

    • Remember to follow the "rules" of freewriting as you write.

    • Word count: 550 words

    • Post it here: Journal Entry #2 (link is now active)

  • Bring to class a wacky/interesting/beautiful/strange image

  • Print it out in color on one of the school's printers

  • Make TWO copies

Note: Sometimes, assignments are intentionally short so as to allow you time to work on your own writing/story idea. Please use this extra time to full advantage!

Note: I often don't give assignments in advance because I like to create space for new ideas and assignments. I'm very open to your ideas, so let me know if anything comes to you. That said, if you'd like assignments a bit further in advance b/c it's a heavy work week, let me know and I'll try to give the assignments out a little sooner (or at least tell you what I'm thinking).