Weeks 16-17
Monday 1/3--Read "Son" in reader (reader numbers: 147-155).
Tuesday 1/4--Read "Hutong Karma" online: http://www.newyorker.com/archive/2006/02/13/060213fa_fact_hessler
Thursday 1/6--Finish watching Shower (please see my email).
Friday 1/7--Response due on Shower. Review "Son" for discussion in class today.
Monday 1/10--In-class essay on Shower and "Son."
Tuesday 1/11--Please come up with ONE good essay question that covers three or more of the works we've read and write on it or another classmate's question. Please post under "Midterm Review" on your class period's website. See "Midterm Review" for specific instructions.
Thursday 1/13--Review: passage analysis. See your period's website under "Midterm Review" for specific instructions.
Friday 1/14--Review (specific assignment t.b.a).