Weeks Eleven-Twelve

Mon 11/5--Never Let Me Go, 96-118.

Tues 11/6--Never Let Me Go, 118-137.

Thurs 11/8--Never Let Me Go, 138-159. Response due. Student teaching: Spencer, Ben//Isabel, Caleb.

Fri 11/9--Work on your personal essay.

Mon 11/12--No school.

Tues 11/13--Writing workshop. Journal entry due. 350 words. Topic: Freewrite on your personal essay.

    • If you've already done so, then use the journal entry to work on a more "crafted" draft.

    • If you've finished the personal essay, then write a journal response on personal questions/thoughts you have on Never Let Me Go.

    • If you don't have a topic, then do mini-freewrites on different topics and see which one sticks/interests you/has "heat."

Thurs 11/15--Never Let Me Go, 159-179.

Fri 11/16--At-home essay due.