Student Teaching Days

Leading a Class

(note: dates may shift around )

Dates t.b.a. (you will be assigned in pairs or groups of three)

  • Please be responsible for making sure that important developments/issues/passages occurring in your assigned pages get discussed.

  • Because some readings will be meatier than others, let the content be your guide as to how to run the class.

  • Consider giving a short writing assignment or doing an interesting warm-up exercise. You may use props, bring relevant show-and-tell materials and/or meaningful treats (of the culinary sort). Be thoughtful, creative, competent. Please try to come up with your own unique way of presenting material/soliciting ideas from the class. Most of all, have fun!

  • Make sure that everyone participates on the day of your student teaching.

  • Other students: please note that you should make an extra effort on student teaching days to come prepared and help the class go well.

  • NOTE: please give me your notes/lesson plan after you have taught the class.

  • Thanks to Nancy Steele for creating the above guidelines (I’ve modified slightly for this class)!