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Julie Anderson
Moral Mayhem!
Assignments Fall '16
Weeks 1, 2, and 3: Fables and Philosophy
Weeks 10-13: Never Let Me Go and Bel Canto
Weeks 14-17: Bel Canto
Midterm Study Guide
Weeks 3-5: Chinese Philosophy
Weeks 6-9: Modern Novels--Nervous Conditions
Midterm Review Guide
Moral Mayhem '13-Assignments
Week One: Intro to the Course, Fables and Fairytales
Weeks Six-Twelve
Weeks Thirteen-Fourteen
Weeks Thirteen-Seventeen
Weeks Two-Five: Fairytales, Philosophy, and Beyond
Personal Essay Directions and Topics
Dialogue Tips
Revision Guidelines
Some tips on personal essay writing
Ten Tips for Personal Essay Writing and Grading Criteria
Dialogue Tips '22
Moral Mayhem! '12-'13
Week One
Week Three
Week Two
Weeks Eleven-Twelve
Weeks Fifteen-Eighteen
Weeks Four and Five
Weeks Nine-Ten
Weeks Six-Eight
Weeks Thirteen-Fourteen
Cool Links
Cool Links
Handouts for the class
Grimm's Fairytales
Student Teaching Days
Week Two
new home site
Commencement Speech '14
English Program
Sample English Seminars
Old Class Sites up to spring 18
Breaking Free '10
Old Breaking Free '10 part 2
English 16-17 Old Materials
Week Three
Week Two
Weeks Eleven-Fifteen
Weeks Four and Five
Weeks Six Through Ten
Weeks Sixteen-Nineteen
Autobiographies Assignments
Week Five
Week Four
Week One
Week Seven
Week Six
Week Ten
Week Thirteen
Week Three
Week Two
Weeks Eight and Nine
Weeks Eleven and Twelve
Weeks Fourteen and Fifteen
Weeks Sixteen and Seventeen
Extra Credit
English 1 '18--assignments to be posted
Journal Writing
Cultural Revolution
Online Responses
Writing Tips and Handouts
Shorthand for Comments
Chinese Literature
Additional Readings
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Weeks 11-13
Weeks 14-15
Weeks 16-17
Weeks 5 and 6
Weeks 7 and 8
Weeks 9 and 10
Creative Projects
Current Articles on China
Extra Credit
Links to China-Related Sites
Writing Tips and Handouts
Doubles, Dopplegangers, and Images
SAT Question with Sample Essays
Telling Stories '21
Dialogue Tips
Final Revision Assignment '20
Places to Publish
Reader Contents
Readings for Class
Story Requirements '20
T.S. Assignments '18
Story Submission
Week 10: Scene Cont'd
Week 11: Point of View
Week 12: Point of View Cont'd
Week 13: Beginnings and Endings
Week 14: Revision
Week 1: Freewriting
Week 2: Inspiration
Week 3: Show and Tell/Plot
Week 4: Plot
Week 6: Dialogue and Character
Week 7: Character
Week 8: Setting
Week 9: Scene
Week Five: Dialogue
Weeks 15-17: Workshopping
Weeks 18 and 19--Future of Writing and Review
Weeks Seven and Beyond (Tentative)
T.S. Assignments Spring '16
Week 10: Scene cont'd
Week 11: POV
Week 12: POV, Openings and Conclusions
Week 13: Openings and Conclusions
Week 13: Openings, Conclusions, and Revision
Week 14: Revision
Week 17--Review/Publishing
Week 2: Inspiration Cont'd
Week 3: Show and Tell
Week 4: Plot
Week 5: Dialogue
Week 6: Dialogue Cont'd
Week 7: Character
Week 8: Setting
Week 9: Scene
Weeks 15 and 16: Workshopping
Final Revision Assignment '19
T.S. Assignments Spring '17
Week 12: POV and Openings
Week 13: Openings, Conclusions, and Revisions
Week 14: Revision
Week Nine: Setting and Scene
Week One: Inspiration
Week Three: Show and Tell
Week Two: Inspiration Cont'd
Weeks 10 and 11: Scene and POV
Weeks 15-16: Workshopping
Weeks 17 and 18--Future of Narrative/Review
Weeks 6,7, 8: Dialogue Cont'd/Characterization/Setting
Weeks Four and Five: Plot and Dialogue
Telling Stories Assignments '19
Week 8: Setting
Week 9: Scene
Week Four: Plot
Week One: Freewriting
Week Seven: Character
Week Ten: Scene Cont'd
Week Three: Showing and Telling
Week Two: Inspiration
Weeks 13, 14, and 15: Revision and Workshopping
Weeks 16-17: Revision and Other Assorted Topics
Weeks Eleven and Twelve: Point of View and Beginnings
Weeks Five and Six: Dialogue and Character
Telling Stories Assignments '20
Week 13: POV cont'd
Week 14: Revision
Week 16: Revision cont'd
Week 17--Future of Narrative, Inspiration et al.
Week 18: Creative Projects/Final Class!
Week Eight: Setting
Week Fifteen: Revision and a Reading
Week Nine: Scene
Week One: Freewriting
Week Ten: Scene Cont'd
Week Three: Showing and Telling
Week Two: Inspiration
Weeks 11 and 12: Point of View and Beginnings
Weeks Four and Five: Plot and Character
Weeks Six and Seven: Dialogue and Character
TS '20 Materials
TS AS 15
Week 10: Scene con't/Point of View
Week 11: POV
Week 12: Openings and Conclusions
Week 13: Revision
Week 16: Wrap-up
Revision Assignment
Week 17--Review
Week 1: Inspiration
Week 2: Inspiration cont'd
Week 3: Show and Tell
Week 4: Plot
Week 5: Dialogue
Week 6: Dialogue cont'd
Week 7: Character
Week 8: Setting
Week 9: Scene
Weeks 14-15: Workshopping
Week 1: Inspiration
Work for Workshopping Weeks
The Second Self
Assignments--Fall '20
Weeks 1-7: Introductions, Pride and Prejudice
Detailed Reading List Fall '18--Second Self
Personal Essay Directions and Topics
Dialogue Tips
Directions for Revision
Some Additional Guidelines/Thoughts
Reading Responses
S.S. Assignments '18
Weeks 1-3: Introductions and Aristotle
Weeks 13-End of Semester
Midterm Study Guide: Second Self '18
Weeks 4-8: Pride and Prejudice
Weeks 9-12: Sula
Writing Contract
Writing Tips and Handouts
Jul's personal essay
Breaking Free
Assignments Weeks 1 and 2
Weeks 03-5
Weeks 06-8
Weeks 08-11
Weeks 11-15
Weeks 16-17
Assignments Fall 17--Breaking Free
Week One: Introductions
Week Two: Thoreau
Weeks 11-14: Jeannette Walls, The Glass Castle
Weeks 15-16: Revision and Review
Midterm Review Guide: Breaking Free '17
Weeks 5-7: Dostoevsky
Weeks 8-10: Dai Sijie
Weeks Three and Four: Thoreau, Pseudolus
Assignments--Fall '19 Breaking Free
Week 17--Review
Study Guide for Midterm--Breaking Free Fall '19
Weeks 1-3: Introductions and Thoreau
Weeks 12-16: The Glass Castle
Weeks 4-6: Pseudolus
Weeks 5-8: Dostoyevsky
Weeks 8-11: Personal Essay/Coates
Course Topics and Paper Deadlines
Discussion Guidelines
Discussion Postings, Period 4
Extra Credit
Links to Readings
Excerpt about Fanon
Information on "The Lives of Others"
Personal Essay Directions and Topics
Personal Essay Revision
Personal Essay Directions and Topics--Fall '19
Directions for Revision
Personal Essay Topics and Directions
Reading Responses
Response Guidelines
Student Teaching Days
Syllabus Fall '17
Syllabus for Breaking Free '21
Writing Contract
Writing Tips
Writing Tips and Handouts
Untitled page
Untitled page
AP Poetry Info
Edutopia Video
English 1 '21- '22
Assignments Fall '16
Weeks 1-4
Weeks 11-17
12/9/16--Midterm Review
Weeks 5-6
Weeks 7-8
Weeks 9-10
Assignments Spring '17
Weeks 1-2: 1/11-1/20
Weeks 12-15
Weeks 16 and 17
Weeks 17 & 18--Review
Weeks 3-5: 1/24-2/7
Weeks 6-8: 2/7-3/10
Weeks 9-11: 3/14-3/31
Book Reviews
Detailed reading list: Fall '18
E1--Assign_Spring '16
Week 1: 1/11-1/5
Week 2: 1/18-1/22
Week 3--1/25-1/29
Week 4: 2/1-2/5
Week 5: 2/8-2/12
Week 8:
Week 8: 3/7-3/11
Week 9: 3/14-3/18
Weeks 10 and 11: 3/21-4/1
Weeks 12 and 13: 4/11-4/22
Weeks 14-end of semester
Week 18--Review
Weeks 6 & 7: 2/15-2/26
E1-Fall'14 and Springs '15 and '16
Fall '14 Assignments
Spring '15 Assignments
Week 1--Spring
Week 14--Spring
Week 2--Spring
Poetry Exercise on Mrs. Small
Week 3--Spring
Week 4--Spring
Week 5-7.5
10/2--Red Convertible Mini-Essay
Weeks 1 and 2
Weeks 10-13--Spring
Weeks 11-13
Homeric Segment
Sample Translator's Notes
Weeks 14-17
Midterm Review
Weeks 15, 16, and 17--Spring
Weeks 3-4
Weeks 5, 6, and 7--Spring
Weeks 8-10
Weeks 8-9--Spring
Eng 1: Spring Assignments '20
Weeks 1-4: Poetry
Weeks 14-18: Fences and Wrap-Up
Weeks 5-6: Grammar
Weeks 7-13:The Great Gatsby
English '17-'18: Old Materials
English 1--Fall Assignments--'19-'20
Week 17: Review
Weeks 1-6
Weeks 12-14
Weeks 15-16
Weeks 7-11
Fall Assignments '17
Week 16: Review
12/5--Midterm Homework
Week One
Weeks 12-15
Weeks 4-7
"Cell One" Writing Assignment
Red Convertible Mini-Essay
Weeks 8-11
Weeks 8-11
Weeks Two-Three: 8/28-9/11
Fall Assignments '18
Week 1
Weeks 12-end of semester
Weeks 2-3
Weeks 4-6
Weeks 6-11
Fall Assignments--English '20-'21
Preposition Song
Week 1
Weeks 2-3
Grammar PDFs
Handouts and Materials
Helpful video on meter
Master Harold and the Boys
Readings '20
Spring Assignments '18
Week 8
Weeks 1 and 2
Weeks 12-15
Weeks 16 and 17
Weeks 3 and 4
Weeks 5, 6, and 7
Weeks 9-11
Spring Assignments English 1 '19
Week 8
Week One
Week Two
Weeks 12-16
Weeks 16-17: Review
Weeks 9-11
Weeks Five, Six, and Seven
Weeks Three and Four
English 1 '12-'13
English 1 '11-'12
Fall '11
Fall '11--Week 13
Mrs. Small Homework Assignment
Fall '11--Week 14
Fall '11--Week 15
12.16.11--Odes homework
12/3--Chimney Sweeper Assignment
Fall '11--Week 3
9/13--"Red Convertible" paragraph
Due Tuesday, Sept. 11th
Fall '11--Week Four
Mini-Essay on "A Real Durwan"
Fall '11--Week Two
Man of the House Quotations
MOH Thesis Assignment
RR--Quotation Assignment
Fall '11--Weeks 10, 11, and 12
Fall '11--Weeks 16 and 17
1/4/12--Practice essay "The Crabs"
Midterm Review Guidelines
Fall '11--Weeks 8 and 9
Homework for 10/26
Fall '11--Weeks Five, Six, Seven
Revision of para of "A Real Durwan"
Fall '11: Week One
Spring '12--Week 11-17
Spring '12--Week 18
Spring '12--Weeks 5-8
Spring '12: Weeks 1-4
Spring '12–Week 10
Fall '10 Assignments
Fall '10 Week 4
Essay Assignment for "Phoenix"
Handout on "Phoenix"
Fall '10--Week 1
Fall '10--Week 13
Homework for Dec. 2nd
Fall '10--Week 3
Due Thurs, 9/23
Due Tuesday, 9/21
Fall '10--Week Two
Due Thursday 9/16
Due Wednesday 9/15
Fall '10--Weeks 10-12
Topics for Odyssey At-home Essay
Fall '10--Weeks 14-17
Homework Due 1/4
Homework due 12/9
Homework for 1/5
Revision Assignment Due 12/16
Fall '10--Weeks 5, 6, and 7
Due Tuesday 10/19--Revision
Fall '10--Weeks 8 and 9
Due Thursday Oct. 27th
Summaries of Books 14-17
New Semester Assignments
Spring '11 Assignments
Spring '11--Week 18
Spring '11--Weeks 1-3
Spring '11--Weeks 10-15
Spring '11--Weeks 4-7
March Grammar Test Homework Answers
Spring '11--Weeks 8-9
Spring Assignments 4/12-5/7
Spring Assignments 5/10-5/21
Spring Assignments 5/24-6/4
Spring Assignments: 3/8 -3/26
Spring Semester Assignment Sheet #1
Week 18: Midterm Review
Week 4
Weeks 05-6
Weeks 07-11
Weeks 1-4
Weeks 12-13
Weeks 15-18
Correction Symbols
English 1 Assignments '12-'13
Fall '12
Fall '12--Week Eight
Fall '12--Week Fifteen
Fall '12--Week Five
Fall '12--Week Four
Fall '12--Week Fourteen
Fall '12--Week Nine
Fall '12--Week One
9/3--Raymond's Run Quotations
Fall '12--Week Seven
Due 10/10: Practice Passage Test
Due October 9th: Revision
Fall '12--Week Six
Fall '12--Week Ten
Fall '12--Week Three
Fall '12--Week Two
MOH Thesis Assignment
Fall '12--Weeks Eleven-Thirteen
Odyssey At-home Essay
Spring '13--Week Five
Spring '13--Week Four
Spring '13--Week One
Spring '13--Week Three
Spring '13--Week Two
Spring '13--Weeks Eleven-Sixteen
5/20--Grammar Handouts
Spring '13--Weeks Six-Ten
Weeks 14-17
"Mrs. Small" Exercise due 12/4
Final Review
Grammar Info
10/15-Grammar Review for Test
5/22--Practice Grammar Test
Grammar Practice--Exercises and Quizzes
Purdue OWL: Verbals
Handouts '12-'13
10/28--Revision Assignment
Course Description
Course Description
Grammar Handouts
Agreement of Subject and Verb
Agreement sheet--Answers
End-of-Year Grammar Test Format
Format of March Grammar Test
Grammar Practice Answers
Grammar Review: Pts of Speech
Parts of Speech Review
Practice End-of-Year Test
Sentence Elements Review #1
Sentence Elements Review #2
Verbals Practice With Answers
Grammar Homework for 3/3
Grammar: sample test
Great Gatsby Materials
Hinduism-Key Terms
How to Mark a Book
Notetaking Skills
Odyssey Materials
Book 1 Reading Tips
Character List
First lines in Greek
Odyssey Study Guide Bks 1-4
Pronunciation Guide for Names
Study Guide Book 5 onwards
Odyssey Summary of Books 14-17
Ramayana Questions
Readings from Alexie
Shakespeare Quiz
Sita Sings the Blues and Ramayana Cartoon
The Red Convertible
Twelfth Night
Twelfth Night handout
Twelfth Night Materials
Analyzing Shakespeare
Twelfth Night and Ilyria
Was Gatsby Black?
Weekly Vocab Quizzes and Grammar
Info on Writing
In-Class Writing Tips
More Info on Quoting
On Introductions
On Notetaking
On Quotations
Sample Conclusions
Sample Introductions
Thesis Sentences
Tips for In-Class Poetry Analysis
Topic Sentences
Writing Conclusions
Sample Conclusions from Twelfth Night
Paper Topics
Policy on Plagiarism
Writing Checklist
English 1 '13-'14
Fall '13--Week 8
Fall '13--Weeks 16-19
Ozymandias Exercise
Fall '13--Weeks 9-15
Fall '13: Weeks 1 and 2
Fall '13: Weeks 3-4
9/16--Rainy River Assignment
9/8--Quotation Assignment
MOH topic sentence assignment
Fall '13: Weeks 5-7
"Cell One" Paragraph Assignment
Practice Passage Test on Odyssey
Fall Assignments '13-'14
Spring '14 Weeks 10-15
Spring '14--Weeks 1-9
Helpful Tips on Writing
Analyzing Shakespeare
Odyssey Materials
Different Translations of Odyssey
Odyssey Recordings
Odyssey At-home Topics
Week 1: 1/11-1/5
Midterm Review Guide
Fall '10--End of Term
Fall' 12--Weeks Sixteen-Eighteen
Spring '11--Weeks 16-17
5/20--Grammar Handouts
Cultural Revolution
Grammar Assessment
English Dept Policy on the Use of Violent Language
Julie's Favorite Books
Links to Good Writing Sites
Teaching Philosophy
Telling Stories
Week Eight: Point of View
Week Nine--POV cont'd
Week Eleven: Openings and Conclusions
Week Fifteen: Review
Week Five: Character
Week Four: Dialogue
Week Fourteen: Workshopping
Week Nine: POV cont'd
Week One: Inspiration
Week Seven: Scene
Week Six: Setting
Week Ten: POV and Openings
Week Thirteen: Revision and Workshopping
Week Three: Plot
Week Twelve: Conclusions and Revision
Week Two: Showing and Telling
Week Eight: Point of View
Week Eleven: Conclusions and Revision
Week Fifteen: Review
Week Five: Character
Week Four: Dialogue
Week Nine: POV and Openings
Week One: Inspiration
Week Seven: Scene
Week Six: Setting
Week Ten: Openings, Conclusions and POV
Week Three: Plot
Week Twelve: Revision and Workshopping
Week Two: Showing and Telling
Weeks Thirteen and Fourteen: Workshopping
Extra Credit
Journal Writing
Links to Various Writing Related Sites
Recommended Books on Writing
Story Requirements
Writing Contract
Scene: Weeks 9 and 10
Writing Center
Julie Anderson
See answer sheet below (click on attachments):
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