Week Fifteen: Revision and a Reading
Monday 5/4: No class, but please do the following:
Look at the original version of the story--you don't have to read it super carefully--and compare with the edited version (this is the version you read last week).
Here's the original version of "What We Talk About" without the editorial comments:
Here's the original version with all the edits and cuts included:
Weds 5/6:
Compare the edited version with the original version of "What We Talk About When We Talk About Love":
Please note some of the key differences between the stories (this part is not optional)
This is because I want you to use the time to read Megan's pages and formulate questions about those (see the assignment for 5/8--due on Thursday 5/7 at 8 pm).
Please post these differences under the proper period in the "Discussions" section of Canvas: Discussion Section
Minimum word count (your own original words): 250 words
Also OPTIONAL: for those who are interested, click here to check out some letters that Carver wrote to Lish regarding their relationship
Fri 5/8: Megan Campisi reads from Sin Eater.
Please read the first two chapters (approx 26 pages) of her novel here
Please post on Canvas at least three questions you could ask Megan here
Please write at least ONE question about
The content of the novel
E.g. How did you come up with the character of May? Is she based on someone you know? Etc.
Other questions could be about:
The process of writing the novel
First drafts
Getting feedback from other people
Getting published--what the industry is like
The life of a writer
Her experiences at College Prep and their relationship to her becoming a writer
Anything else that seems relevant
Make sure to scan the questions ahead of yours on the discussion site so you don't repeat a question someone else has already asked (this is an incentive to post your questions early).
Please make sure to post your questions by 8:00 pm on Thursday, 5/7. That will give me time to compile the questions. Thanks!