Week 8: Setting

Mon 3/7--NO SCHOOL

Tues 3/8--Read Chapter 5 of Writing Fiction, "Fictional Place" (156-172).

Thurs 3/10--Setting Analysis exercise:

For this assignment, please do the following:

    • From a novel or short story you love, pick a passage that describes a setting vividly.

      • Passage should be approximately 100-200 words in length (see the sample passages on page 171 of Burroway).

      • Type the passage out yourself (very important)

    • After you type the passage out, please analyze the passage.

      • Ask yourself: why does the passage convey setting so effectively?

      • Remember Burroway's advice and Chekhov's tip on page 165.

      • Word count for passage analysis (not including passage itself): 400 words.

    • Please post on Canvas.

Fri 3/11--Read "Cat's Cradle" in your short story reader.

    • Please note how Aciman uses place/setting in the story:

      • Is setting the story in New York City integral to the piece?

    • Start working/brainstorming/freewriting etc. on the new story submission!

Please note that on 3/25 your second story submission is due for workshopping.