Weeks 10 and 11: 3/21-4/1

Mon 3/21--No homework.

Tues 3/22--Read Chapter 1 of The Great Gatsby.

Weds 3/23--Review Chapter 1 and take notes.

Thurs 3/24--Read and take notes on Chapter 2 of The Great Gatsby.

Fri 3/25--Vocab quiz on VEII, Chapt. 6; read pink workbook on clauses and sentence types, pp. 74 and 78.

Monday 3/28--Read and take notes on Chapter 3 of The Great Gatsby.

Tues 3/29--Writing assignment (not for grade and not to exceed 40 minutes)

Step 1: Re-read and mark-up passages describing:

Daisy and Tom Buchanan's house (6)


Gatsby's house (5)

Step 2: Write a thesis statement in which you articulate a significant difference between the two residences.

Step 3:

    • Write out the above passages

  • Analyze them in support of your thesis

    • Make sure that you use complete sentences

    • Embed specific words from the passages into your analysis.

  • You can use other lines or phrases from the text in support of your thesis

Word count: 300 words (not including quotations)

Please post on Canvas

Weds 3/30--Read and take notes on Chapter 4 of The Great Gatsby.

Thurs 3/31--Read and take notes on Chapter 5 of The Great Gatsby.

Fri 4/1--Vocab quiz on VEII, Chapt. 7.

  • Review clauses and sentence types in pink workbook.

    • Do exercises on clauses on pages 75 and 77 of pink workbook.

      • Note: On p. 77, you do not need to identify noun, adjective, and adverb clauses but you should label whether the sentences are simple, compound, complex or compound-complex.


Mon 4/11--Writing assignment on Gatsby (not for grade).

1. Passage analysis: Analyze ONE key passage (no longer than a paragraph) from Chapter 5. Pick at least THREE key words from the passage and suggest what these words say about Gatsby and/or an important theme of the novel.

    • Please write out your passage and THEN write out your analysis

    • Passage does not count towards your word count

    • Suggested passages

      • bottom of 91 to top of 92

      • 93 (top)

      • 95 (bottom)

2. Creative assignment: write a journal entry from either Gatsby's or Daisy's perspective about the moment they spent together in the "white roadster by the curb" (74) back in October of 1917. What made the moment so magical for the character you chose? What does your character see in the other one? Why are they so much in love?

Word count for either choice: 300 words.

Please label your assignment as follows: "3/31--Gatsby Chapter 5 Assignment"

Please post on Canvas.