Fall '13: Weeks 5-7
Week 5
For Mon, 9/23— Reread “The Red Convertible," thinking about the question below:
"Why does Lyman release the car into the river at the end of the story?"
This will be the question you'll answer in your paragraph due Wednesday.
Please do a 250 word freewrite on the story that you'll post on your homework site.
By "freewrite," I mean just jot down ideas about the question without worrying about grammar, spelling, etc. The goal is to write quickly and fluidly--just "vomit" ideas out onto the screen.
For Tues, 9/24—
Please formulate a topic sentence in answer to the question:
Why does Lyman release the car into the river at the end of the story?
After you have written your topic sentence, find three meaty quotations to back up/support it. Type out each quotation and provide a page number.
After each quotation, show how/why the quotation supports your topic sentence.
You must select at least ONE word from each quotation to analyze in detail.
Word count: 275-300 words minimum
For Wed, 9/25— Draft of paragraph on "The Red Convertible." Please click the following for instructions: Instructions for "Red Convertible" paragraph
Please post your draft paragraph on your homework site.
For Thurs, 9/26—Finished paragraph on “The Red Convertible.” Also, bring Short Story READER to class.
Finished paragraph will be posted during class.
For Fri, 9/27— Quiz on Chap. 4 of Vocabulary Energizers. Also, read about prepositions in How Grammar Works (pp. 54-56 & 60-61) and memorize list of prepositions on page 23 in pink workbook. Bring pink workbook to class.
Monday 9/30 is a school Holiday!!!
For Tues, 10/1—No Homework. Bring The Odyssey to class.
For Wed, 10/2—The Odyssey, Book I.
For Thurs, 10/3—The Odyssey, Book II
For Fri, 10/4—The Odyssey, Book III. Come prepared for a quiz on names of key characters.
Click here for the Character list
Note: below are the names and descriptions of the characters who got cut off the above list:
Kirke (Circe)—a nymph with magical powers
Teiresias—blind prophet, now dead
Agamemnon—King of Argos, brother of Menelaos; led the troops to the Trojan War, now dead
Klytaimnestra—wife of Agamemnon, who kills him when he returns home from the Trojan War, now dead
Akhilleus/Achilles—greatest of the Trojan warriors, now dead
Kalypso (Calypso)—minor goddess, daughter of Atlas; detains Odysseus on her island of Ogygia for approx. 7 years
Nausicaa—daughter of King Alkinoos and Queen Arete, in the land of Phaiakia
Aigisthos—Menalaos’ and Agamemnon’s cousin, lover of Klytaimnestra and Agamemnon’s murderer
Orestes—son of Agamemnon and Klytaimnestra; killed his mother and Aigisthos
For Mon, 10/7—The Odyssey, Book IV
For Tues, 10/8—Practice Passage Test on The Odyssey, Books I – IV. Click here.
For Wed, 10/9—The Odyssey, Book V
For Thurs, 10/10—The Odyssey, Book VI
For Fri, 10/11—Quiz on Chap. 5, Vocabulary Energizers; also, read about conjunctions in How Grammar Works (pp. 70-71, 153); do examples, pink workbook (p. 29).