Week 12: POV, Openings and Conclusions

Mon 4/11: No homework!

Tues 4/12:Re-write the first 150 words of your last story from THREE rather different POVs for a word count of 450 words.

    • If you prefer, you can choose just two different POVs and write longer openings.

    • You can try writing your story from a different person (e.g. 2nd person, 1st person plural, omniscient) or to a different audience (e.g. write in the 1st person addressed to another character in the story) or in a different form (stream of consciousness, newspaper article, letter, etc.). You can also change the perspective and write from a different characters POV.

    • IMPORTANT: bring in THREE paper copies of your assignment to share with classmates during a mini-workshop on Tuesday.

    • Make sure to put the original opening at the top of the assignment.

    • Note: changing the POV may change your opening in surprising ways. Let the change in POV dictate where the new opening goes--possibly in a very different direction from the old one.

    • Please post on Canvas: POV assignment

Thurs 4/14: Change of story! Read "The Man in the Black Suit" in reader, pp. 122-132.

Fri 4/15: Journal topic on Openings and Conclusions