Week 16: Wrap-up

Mon 5/11--Read "The Telling of the Tale" in reader, pp. 62-64.

Tues 5/12--Read "The Future of Narrative" in reader, pp. 74-77.

Thurs 5/14--There are two parts to tonight's assignment:

  • Read "Inner Space: Cleaning Some Room for Inspiration" in reader, pp. 166-169.

  • Write the following on a Google doc I'll post:

    • The titles of 1-3 books you'd suggest to your classmates and me for summer reading.

    • A brief description of the book/s and why you think your classmates and I might be interested in reading it/them.

Fri 5/15-- Revision of story due (but you can take an extension if you need it); in class, we'll do course evals.