Week 13: POV cont'd

Monday 4/20: Review Writing Fiction, 168-178 ("At What Distance?" in POV chapter)

    • No class meeting today.

    • Please fill out the Google form I'll send you Monday morning to check in for class. Thanks!

Weds 4/22: Please write a journal entry, 350 words or more.

    • No required topic for this week, but here are some suggestions:

      • Try writing your journal entry from a different POV, e.g. 1st person plural

        • You might contemplate writing about the coronavirus, using "Invasion from Outer Space" as a model.

      • You might try a different addressee or form (e.g. stream of consciousness or a newspaper article?)

      • I'd encourage you to try writing by hand. If possible, grab a notebook and go outside. You can take a photo of your journal entry and post that on Canvas

      • Journal writing can be very therapeutic. If it's helpful, use the journal to write about whatever's coming up for you these days.

      • Canvas link is here

Fri 4/24: Please write another journal entry, 350 words or more.

    • Again, no required topic for this week, but here are some suggestions:

      • Suggestion 1:try your hand at a stream-of-consciousness POV

        • experiment, like Joyce and Woolf, with the creative punctuation, use of caps--or no caps, fragments, and moving closer and further from your thoughts, as if you were a character you were writing about

      • Suggestion 2: try your hand at an omniscient POV

        • Write about yourself and your family as if you were inhabiting a god-like stance.

          • Make bold statements

          • Go into and out of various people's thoughts

          • Move from statements about actions to statements about thoughts (thank you, Om, for this observation!)

          • Makes judgments

        • As with stream-of-consciousness, experiment with psychic distance, moving closer and further from your "characters" (you and friends, family, community, etc.)

    • As before, I'd encourage you to try writing by hand. If possible, grab a notebook and go outside. You can take a photo of your journal entry and post that on Canvas

      • Journal writing can be very therapeutic. If it's helpful, use the journal to write about whatever's coming up for you these days.

      • Canvas link is here