Fall '12--Week Fifteen

Monday 12/3--Read and mark up "My Papa's Waltz" (12).

Tuesday 12/4--Read and mark up “The Chimney Sweeper” (14). Also, do the attached homework on "The Chimney Sweeper."


NOTE: Please post your homework on the homework page of your personal website. Also, please PASTE your homework onto the site rather than attach it as a word document.

Wednesday 12/5: No class! I strongly encourage you to go to Yea on this day if you have any questions about grammar.

Thursday 12/6: More practice for grammar test! Handout attached below (see "Attachments").

Fri., 12/7: Quiz on Ch 10 of Vocab Energizers. Grammar test: Sentence elements and parts of speech.See below for extra worksheets and answer sheets for the grammar handouts.