12/3--Chimney Sweeper Assignment

Practice In-class essay—Please time yourself and spend no more than 40 minutes reading the poem “The Chimney Sweeper” on page 14 of your poetry packet then writing a practice in-class essay on the following question.

*** Remember to have a brief intro with a thesis statement, two body paragraphs with quotation and analysis, and, if time, a brief conclusion.

*** Please post your essay on the homework section of your personal website.

Questions for Consideration:

The following questions are to help you think about the poem. You may wel want to use the answers as part of your essay, but you are not required to do so.

1. Given that the apostrophe before each “weep” in line three indicates a missing letter “s,” explain the poet’s ironic intention in the first stanza.

2. Why does the poet use the word “your” in line four?

3. Tom’s dream (lines 11-20) can be read symbolically. Explain the meaning of two symbolic details from that dream.

4. In your opinion, what caused Tom to feel “happy and warm” (line 23) even “Though the morning was cold”?

5. Find two strongly contrasting images in the poem and explain the purpose of the contrast.

Essay Topic: Decide, by studying the poem carefully, whether you think the poet agrees with what the final line asserts (“So if all do their duty they need not fear harm"). Use the contrast between the dream and the actual experience of chimney sweepers to explain your answer. Support your analysis by explaining poetic devices in the poem, such as metaphor, simile, imagery, tone (or narrative voice), irony, diction (word choice). Make sure you spend some time planning the structure of your essay.