Week 9: Scene

Mon 3/12: S--Read Writing Fiction, "Long Ago: Fictional Time," pp. 193-207.

Tu 3/13: S--Please read "The Rememberer," pp. 152-156 in reader.

W 3/14: L--To post on Canvas:

For this assignment, please do one or more of the following options:

      • Freewrite on a story that you have in mind

      • Brainstorm THREE story ideas (then write on one or more of them)

      • Look through your old freewrites and use one as the genesis of a story. OR combine two freewrites into one story

      • Start with details that intrigue you--could be anything--then see if they lead you to a story or a character

      • Note: if you already have written a draft of your story, then you can use this journal to write whatever you'd like (possibly consult the list of freewrite prompts from earlier this semester)

Total word count: 900 words

Fri 3/16--No class

Note: draft of your story due on Fri 3/23 for workshopping; due to me on Thurs 3/29