Week 2: Inspiration

1/15--No school!


  • Read Jane Bakerman "The Seams Can't Show" about Toni Morrison (attached below as a PDF).

  • Read: "The Omens"

    • Two separate PDFs below (apologies for image quality on page 2!)

  • On a word or Google doc, please write 5 ways you find inspiration to be creative


  • Read: Chapter One of Writing Fiction--read pages 1-15

  • Journal Entry #2

    • Please pick one of your classmates' prompts to write on from the list we'll generate in class on Tuesday

    • Remember to follow the "rules" of freewriting as you write.

    • Word count: 550 words

    • Post it here: Journal Entry #2

  • Bring to class a wacky/interesting/beautiful/strange image

    • Print it out in color on one of the school's printers

    • Make TWO copies


  • Please read "Roy Spivey" posted below.

    • Think about the following questions:

      • What makes the story work (if it does work) for you?

      • Try to read the story like a writer and consider at least ONE thing you can take from the story to help your own writing (if you didn't like the story, that one thing can be something NOT to do in your own writing)

    • Please mark up the story as a writer (thinking about the questions above)

Note: Sometimes, assignments are intentionally short so as to allow you time to work on your own writing/story idea. Please use this extra time to full advantage!

Note: I often don't give assignments in advance because I like to create space for new ideas and assignments. I'm very open to your ideas so let me know if anything comes to you. That said, if you'd like assignments a bit further in advance b/c it's a heavy work week, let me know and I'll try to give the assignments out a little sooner (or at least tell you what I'm thinking).