Parents Organizations

Parent-Teacher Associations


Parent-teachers associations shall be considered as auxiliaries to the public schools, and not as "outside" groups. Whenever a local association is formed, it shall be permitted to hold its regular meetings in the school building, and it shall he the duty of the principal and the teachers of the school to further the work oil the association in every way practicable. Afternoon and evening meetings of these associations may be held in the school building under the permission of the school principal without the necessity of the permit required of "outside" groups.

The form of organization and the objectives of the local association shall conform, in the main, to the suggestions outlined by the National Congress of Parents and Teachers.

Speakers who wish to present topics before the PTA which are not considered pertinent to the relevant policies of the Clay County Schools must first be approved by the Superintendent.





Adopted: July 1976
















Clay County Board of Education