Instructional Resources

Instructional Resources/Comparability



            The Clay County Board of Education shall assure that all schools receive comparable services with regards to personnel and instructional recognizing school system policies and local school needs.

            Every attempt will be made to employ the most competent, qualified teachers, principals, and service personnel in all schools in Clay County. Every attempt will be made to ensure that all schools are comparably staffed, not only with regard to qualifications, but also with regard to number of staff compared to numbers of students.

            To ensure equivalence among schools in the provision of curriculum materials and instructional supplies, monies will be allocated to schools on a pa per pupil basis. Per pupil allocations will remain equal regardless of other sources of funding.

            To further ensure equivalence and maintenance of comparable services an annual assessment will be conducted. Central office staff will study the results of the assessment and made recommendations to maintain comparable services to all schools.



Approved:  March 1983


Revised:  February 17, 1992


Source:  State Law 18-5-18a