BCBH - Minutes

File:  BCBH


Minutes of Board Meetings


            The Superintendent, as board secretary, shall be responsible for the preparation and dissemination upon request of all minutes of regular and special meetings of the Board, and of all committee meetings, and for maintaining official copies at the Board office.

            Copies of Board meetings shall be provided to each member of the Board and made available to department heads.  Committee meeting minutes may be provided upon request.

            The official copy of the Board minutes shall be signed by the president of the Board and by the Superintendent, as secretary.  They shall incorporate the minutes of the committee meetings on which the Board took action.

            The minutes shall be kept at the office of the Board and shall be made available to any citizen or organization desiring to examine them.  Such examination of official copies must be made during regular office hours and at the Board office.

            Minutes dealing with formulation or policy not previously covered in the policy manual shall be construed as official policy until the manual is revised to incorporate this new policy, or a subsequent change is made pertaining to said policy.


Adopted:  July 1976





Clay County Board of Education