AD - School Attendance Areas (Cf. FDB, JBCC)

File:    AD


School Attendance Areas


1.     GENERAL


1.1  SCOPE  This policy defines the conditions under which students may cross school attendance areas in Clay County Schools


1.2  AUTHORITY    School Laws of West Virginia, 18-5-16, 18-5-16a


1.3  FILING DATE             JULY 2010


1.4  EFFECTIVE DATE    July 2010


            It shall be a policy of Clay County to permit parents to enroll children in any school of their choice within the county upon obtaining permission from the principal of said school, and provided they (the parents) transport such children one way (to or from) the selected school.

            The parent(s) or guardian(s) of a student whose legal residence is in another county (out-of-county student) may request permission for the student to attend Clay County Schools. This request shall be made in writing to the Clay County Board of Education. 

It shall be a policy of Clay County Schools to permit out-of-county students to attend Clay County Schools under the following conditions:

The board of education of the student’s home county (county in which the student is a legal resident) has granted permission in writing for the student to attend Clay County Schools.

The County Superintendent or his/her designee has made an investigation of the circumstances relating to the request and recommends the transfer.  Relevant factors to be considered in such a recommendation may include attendance history, disciplinary records, academic success/difficulties, and availability of transportation.   

In the opinion of the Clay County Board of Education, the education and welfare of the pupil will be enhanced by the transfer.

The Clay County Board of Education agrees to the transfer by official action as reflected in the minutes of an official board of education meeting.

Permission for an out-of-county student to attend Clay County Schools must be obtained annually through the procedure described above.  It shall be a policy of the Clay County Board of Education to withhold permission when the education and welfare of the pupil has not been enhanced by a prior year transfer into Clay County Schools.  The County Superintendent may consider relevant factors including attendance history, disciplinary records, academic success/difficulties, principal and/or teacher recommendations, and availability of transportation in making a recommendation to the Board of Education.       

The parent(s) or guardian(s) of a student whose legal residence is in Clay County (in-county student) may request permission for the student to attend another school district. This request shall be made in writing to the Clay County Board of Education.  It shall be a policy of the Clay County Board of Education to approve such transfer by official board action when the education and welfare of the pupil will be enhanced by the transfer.     



Clay County Board of Education