Public Participation In Board Meetings

Public Participation at Board Meetings


All regular and special meetings of the Board shall be open to the public. Because the Board desires to hear the viewpoints of citizens throughout the county, it shall offer suitable time at all meetings for citizens to be heard, if the discussion to be heard is pertinent to the orderly operation of the Clay County School System.

Recognizing, its responsibility for proper governance of the schools and therefore the need to conduct its business in an orderly and efficient manner, the Board shall schedule a period during each meeting for public participation. At times, it shall set the limit on the length of this period and/or a time limit for individual speakers. The length of time, scheduled for public discussion shall be stated in the agenda, together with any time limit proposed for individual speakers. The length of the public discussion period and the proposed time limit for individual speakers may be extended by action of the Board. The Board president shall be responsible for recognizing all speakers, who shall properly identify themselves, maintain proper order and observe any time limits set by the Board.

Comments and questions at a regular meeting may deal with any topic related to the Board's conduct of the schools. Comments at special meetings must be related to the reason for calling the meeting. Questions asked by the public shall, when possible, be answered immediately by the President or referred to staff members present for reply. Questions requiring investigation shall be referred to the Board or administrative staff for consideration and later response.






Clay County Board of Education



Approved: July 1976

Revised: May, 1992