
                                               Graduation Requirements/Promotion

                                                     (Clay Junior High School)


Promotion from Sixth to Seventh Grade


Students are promoted from the sixth to the seventh grade if they

have earned a minimum of ten (10) credits. Seven (7) of the ten (10) credits

must be earned in core or enrichment classes in the following programs of

study - reading, English, science, math and social studies.


Students must earn a minimum of one (1) of two (2) possible semester

credits in each core/enrichment class.


Promotion from Seventh to Eighth Grade


Students are promoted from the seventh grade to the eighth grade

when they have earned a minimum of twenty-two (22) credits. A minimum

of fourteen (14) credits must be earned in core or enrichment classes in the

following programs of study - reading, English, science, math, and social



Students must earn a minimum of one (1) of two (2) possible semester

credits in each core/enrichment class.


Promotion from Eight to Ninth Grade


Students are promoted from the eighth grade to the ninth grade

when they have earned a minimum of thirty-four (34) credits. A minimum

of twenty-one (21) credits must be earned in core or enrichment classes in

the following programs of study - reading, English, science, math, social

studies, and typing.


For promotion (graduation) from eighth to ninth grade, students

must earn a minimum of one (1) of two (2) possible semester credits in each

core/enrichment class during the eighth grade year and must have earned

a total of four (4) of six (6) possible semester credits in all core/enrichment

classes over sixth through eighth grade span.


Fourth year students must pass a minimum of four classes per

semester in order to be eligible for promotion.


Final decisions regarding the promotion or retention of any student

rest with the Clay Junior High School building principal and his/her staff,

pending normal procedures for appeal.


Definition of Credit


A credit is an assigned value of one semester work in any class. A

credit is earned if a student passes the class for a semester. A value of 1/2

credit is earned for classes scheduled for one quarter.


Core                                        Grade(s)                                        Possible

Enrichment Classes                                                                      Credits


Reading                                     6-7-8                                                6

English                                      6-7-8                                                6

Math                                          6-7-8                                                6

Science                                      6-7-8                                                6

Social Studies                            6-7-8                                                6

Typing                                       8                                                       2


Related Arts                          Grade(s)                                         Possible


Physical Ed.                             6-7-8                                                 1 1/2

Music                                       6-7-8                                                 1 1/2

Art                                            6-7-8                                                 1 1/2

Health                                       6-7-8                                                 1 1/2

Home Economics                     6-7-8                                                  2

Vocational Education               6-7-8                                                  2


Options for  Students Failing Sixth, Seventh, or Eighth Grade


A. Students may attend any accredited summer school during which they

must successfully complete any courses they failed to meet requirements

for promotion to seventh, eighth or ninth grade.

B. Students may repeat the sixth, seventh or eighth grade using the

opportunity to successfully complete courses failed and to reinforce and

improve skills in classes for which he/she received a passing grade. School

staff will ensure that students are scheduled into classes that are challenging to the student, thus giving the student the opportunity to grow academically even though the grade designation is the same.






Approved: June 3, 1985

Revised: March 11, 1991

Revised: February 17, 1992