Community Involvement in Decision Making

School Improvement Councils


A local school improvement council shall be established at every Clay County school consisting of the principal, who shall serve as ex-officio chairman of the council and be entitled to vote, three teachers elected by the faculty senate of the school, two school service personnel elected by the school service personnel employed at the school, three parents or legal guardians of students enrolled at the school elected by the school's parent teacher organization, two at large members appointed by the principal, one of whom resides in the schools attendance area and one of whom represents business and industry, both of whom are not eligible for membership under any of the other elected classes of members, and for schools housing grade seven or higher, the student body president or other student elected by the student body.


The principal shall arrange for elections prior to the tenth day of May of each school year to elect a council for the ensuing school year. The elections hall be held in accordance with State Law 18-5A-2.


Meetings shall be held in accordance with State Law 18-5A-2 and shall occur at least once every nine weeks with the first meeting of each school year scheduled prior to October 1 of the school year.












Adopted: May, 1992