Personnel Records

Personnel RecordsPersonnel Records


Maintenance of Records


            The school administration maintains a personnel file in the office of the Superintendent for each employee it employs. The personnel file includes the following sections:

1.         Evaluation section:    The evaluation section shall include all complaints against and commendations of the employee, written suggestions for corrections and improvements, and evaluation reports made by the administration.

2.         Supplementary section:        The supplementary section shall include teacher certificates, health certificates, standard test scores, academic records, pre-employment references, application forms, current address and telephone number.


Additions to the Evaluation Section


            No complaint, commendation, suggestion, or evaluation may be placed in the evaluation file unless it meets the following requirements:

1.                  The comment is signed by the person making the complaint, commendation, suggestion, or evaluation; and

2.                  The Superintendent or teacher’s principal has notified the teacher by letter or in person that the comment is available in the Superintendent’s office for inspection prior to its placement in the teacher’s evaluation section.


The employee may offer a denial or explanation of the complaint, commendation, suggestion, or evaluation, and any such denial or explanation shall become a part of the teacher’s evaluation section.


General Access to the Employee’s Personnel File


            Access to an employee’s personnel file may be given to the following persons without the consent of the teacher:


The Superintendent, assistant Superintendent, the principal, the employee’s supervisor, and a School Board member if it relates to his/her duties or responsibilities as a Board member.


            No other person may have access to employee’s personnel file except under the following circumstances:



1.         When the employee gives written consent to the release of his records. The written consent must specify the records to be released and to whom they are to be released.  Each request for consent must be handled separately; blanket permission for release of information shall not be accepted.

2.         When subpoenaed or under court order.


Employee Access to His/Her Personnel File


            Employee may have access to his/her own personnel file at all reasonable times, i.e. during regular office hours.

            The right to access includes the right to make written objections to any information contained in the file. Any written objection must be signed by the employee and it shall become part of the personnel file.




            The superintendent shall be the records manager for personnel files and shall have the overall responsibility for maintaining and preserving the confidentiality of personnel files. He/she may, however designate another official to perform the duties of the records manager for him/her.

            The records manager is responsible for granting or denying acess to records on the basis of these regulations.





Approved:       July 1976












Reference:       Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, 1975






 Clay County Board of Education