Dress Code

Student Dress and Appearance


Schools may reasonably limit the personal appearance and dress of its students if the objectives of the regulation(s) are reasonably related to a valid educational objective such as teaching community values and maintaining school discipline.


Proper attire shall be required when participating in athletics and working around or with food, machinery or chemicals.


Health, safely, morals, and community standards shall be considered when rules are made regarding appropriate styles of dress and hair. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 shall be considered when imposing dress and personal appearance regulations.


The Clay County Board of Education shall have the right to regulate school dress codes.





Approved: July 1976

Revised: April 6, 1992



Reference: United States Supreme Court, Overton v New York, 393 U.S. 85  and 992; State v. Joseph T., 336 S.E. 2d 728 (W.Va. 1985)












File:  JCDB


Dress Code for Students

Clay County High School/Clay County Middle School


Student Appearance:


Students will be expected to keep themselves well-groomed and neatly dressed at all times. Any form of dress or hairstyle which is considered contrary to good hygiene or which is destructive or disruptive in appearance and detrimental to the purpose of conduct of the school will not be permitted.


1.  Students will wear clothing that covers their bodies. "No Hide On the Side, No Belly Buttons Visible, No Low Cut Tops".

2.  Students' undergarments will not be visible.

3.  All tops and shirts will have at least one-inch straps/sleeves.

4.  All skirts, shorts, and dresses can be no shorter than three inches above the knees. (Mid-thigh or fingertip measurements are not to be used as the standard). Note: Fingertip measurements are extremely variable due to length or arms or upper body. Mid-thigh is too vague. Discussion included a general understanding among the principals that an allowance might be considered for extra tall students in regard to the 3 inch rule. A judgment needs to be made in some cases.

5.  No shirts/tops (or other clothing) with inappropriate language, alcohol, tobacco or drug advertisements or associated graphics.

6.  No baggy, saggy pants. Note: Weapons could be hidden in baggy pants. Baggy pants fall down.

7.  No chains or longer than necessary belts.

8.  Spandex and biker shorts are not permitted; neither are tube tops, halters, or other similar items of clothing. Clothing should not be too tight.

9.  Sunglasses, hats, or bandannas may not be worn inside the building.

10.Athletic uniforms that do not meet the standard will be worn at athletic events only. Mesh jerseys can be worn over a T-shirt.



These are the suggestions first proposed by faculty members. A meeting was held on Wednesday, July 26, 2000 to discuss the dress code and making it consistent among schools. Present at this meeting were Kenneth Tanner, Cindy Willis, Connie Schoonover, Anita Schoonover, Larry Gillespie, Joan Haynie, Danny Brown, and Rhonda Jelich. The above suggestions were made to be used by both secondary schools. We will welcome suggestions.


These recommendations were presented to the Clay County Board of Education on Monday, August 7, 2000 for further discussion.


Adopted as policy by the Clay County Board of Education on Monday, August 21, 2000.