School Admission

School Admissions



Students Entering For First Time In West Virginia Public School


No pupil shall be admitted for the first time to any public school in this state unless the person enrolling the pupil furnishes a certified copy of the pupil's birth record confirming the pupil's identity and age. A certified copy of the pupil's birth record is one that is obtained from the State Registrar, Vital Registration Office in Charleston, West Virginia.

If a certified copy of the pupil's birth record cannot be obtained, the

person enrolling the pupil shall submit a notarized affidavit explaining the

inability to produce a certified copy of the birth record. (An exception shall be made for individuals in U.S. Military Service who are in transit due to

military orders who shall be given a three week extension for providing birth records.)

If an individual enrolling a pupil fails to furnish a certified copy of a

birth record within fourteen (14) calendar days of enrollment the principal of

the school shall notify the Sheriff of Clay County by letter and shall submit

copies of the affidavit which explains the inability to produce the copy of birth record.

No child shall be enrolled without a notarized affidavit or certified

birth record.


Students Transferring From Another West Virginia School


Within fourteen days after enrolling a transferred pupil, the

principal shall request a certified copy of the pupil's birth record from the

school in which the student was previously enrolled.



Approved: July 1976

Revised: April 6, 1992