Basic Program

Basic Program


The following programs of study shall constitute the basic educational program for students enrolled in Clay County Schools. (Goals listed below are the educational goals defined in Clay County Policy IB.)


Early and Middle Childhood Education (Grades K-8):


Program of Study                                Goals                                         Frequency


Language Arts/Reading                         I-1, II-3, III-1,                           Daily

III-3, III-6, IV-3,

V-1, V-3


Math                                                      I-2, III-1, III-3, IV-3                  Daily


Social Studies                                        II-2, II-3, III-2, III-5                  Yearly

                                                               IV-1, IV-2, V-1


Health                                                    II-1, II-3, III-1                           Yearly

                                                               III-4, III-6, V-1, V-3


Science                                                  II-1, III-3, IV-3                          Yearly



Physical Education                               II-1, III-2, V-3                            Yearly


Art                                                         V-1, V-2                                     Yearly


Music                                                     V-1, V-2                                    Yearly


Within this program of studies, West Virginia History shall be offered at grade levels 4 and 8; reading skills shall be taught in all content areas; school and bus safety shall be taught as part of the health curriculum at levels K-4; developmental guidance shall be taught at levels 5-8; AIDS education shall be taught within the grade 6-12 continuum; and choral and instrumental music shall be offered as electives within the grade 6-8 continuum.








Adolescent Education Program (Grades 9-12)


Program of Study                                Goals                                         Minimum Units


Language Arts/English                          I-1, II-3, III-1,                            4 Units

                                                               III-3, III-6, IV-3,

                                                               V-1, V-3


Math                                                      I-2, III-1, III-3, IV-3                  2 Units


Program of Study                                Goals                                         Minimum Units


Social Studies                                        II-2, II-3, III-2, III-5,                 3 Units

                                                               IV-1, IV-2, V-1


Health                                                    II-1, II-3, III-1,                           1 Unit

                                                               III-4, III-6, V-1, V-3


Science                                                  II-1, III-3, IV-3,                          2 Units



Physical Education                                II-1, III-2, V-3                            1 Unit


Art                                                         V-1, V-2                                      Elective


Music                                                     V-1, V-2                                     Elective


Minimum units described above are based on state board of education minimums. Specific requirements beyond the stated minimum for Clay County High School shall be described in Clay County Policy IHE-A – Graduation Requirements – Clay County High School.



Approved:  February 17, 1992













Adolescent Education Program (Grades 9-12)


Program of Study                                Goals                                          Minimum Units


Language Arts/English                          I-1, II-3, III-1,                             4 Units

                                                               III-3, III-6, IV-3,

                                                               V-1, V-3


Math                                                      I-2, III-1, III-3, IV-3                    3 Units


Program of Study                                Goals                                           Minimum Units


Social Studies                                        II-2, II-3, III-2, III-5,                   4 Units

                                                               IV-1, IV-2, V-1


Health                                                    II-1, II-3, III-1,                             1 Unit

                                                               III-4, III-6, V-1, V-3


Science                                                  II-1, III-3, IV-3,                            3 Units



Physical Education                                II-1, III-2, V-3                              1 Unit


Computer Literacy/                               III-4, IV-3                                     1 Unit

Career Exploration


Art                                                          V-1, V-2                                       *


Music                                                      V-1, V-2                                       *


Communications                                     I-1                                                 1 Unit


Career Major Studies                              II-2, III-2, III-6                             4 Units


* 1 Unit required in Applied, Fine or Performing Arts


Minimum units described above are based on state board of education minimums. Specific requirements beyond the stated minimum for Clay County High School shall be described in Clay County Policy IHE-A – Graduation requirements – Clay County High School.



Approved:  February, 1992


Revised:  August, 1997