BCBG - Voting Method

File:  BCBG


Voting Method at Board Meetings


            A vote of the majority of members present shall be necessary for the passage of any motion, except in such instances as the law, other policies of this Board, or Robert’s Rules of Order may require a larger vote.  Every member present, including the president, shall be entitled to one vote.

            All voting shall be by voice; a roll call vote may be requested by any member and/or ordered by the president, with the vote of each member recorded in the minutes.  On voice votes, the name of a member voting “nay” shall be recorded in the minutes upon his request.

            Reconsideration of action shall be according to the Robert’s Rules of Order, with the exception that a matter voted on by the Board shall not be brought up for reconsideration more than once during the calendar year except by a two-thirds vote of the Board.


Adopted:  July 1976







Clay County Board of Education