Staff Involvement and Decision-making

Staff Involvement in Decision-Making


            It is the policy of the Board to encourage employee participation in decision-making for the school system.

            Such participation shall include, as appropriate to areas, programs, and schools, involvement in—


Policy development

            Administrative rules development

            Budget planning

            Facilities planning


            In the development of rules, regulations, and arrangements for the operation of the school system, the Superintendent shall include at the planning stage whenever feasible those employees who will be affected by such provisions.

            The professional staff shall be given full opportunity, and encouragement, to contribute in curriculum development and in the development of policies and regulations pertaining to the instructional program.

            Each principal shall maintain channels for conferring with both the professional and support staff in establishing building policies and regulations.

            The Superintendent shall develop with employees channels for the ready intercommunication of ideas and feelings regarding the operation of the schools.  He/she shall weigh with care the counsel given, especially that given by groups designated to represent large segments of the staff, and shall inform the Board of all such counsel in presenting recommendations for Board action.




Adopted:  July 1976















Clay County Board of Education