
Compulsory Immunization



All children entering school for the first time in West Virginia shall have been immunized against diptheria, polio, rubeola, rubella, tetanus, and whooping cough.


Any person who cannot give satisfactory proof of having been immunized (or provide a certificate from a physician showing why such immunization is impossible or improper or should not be done) shall not be enrolled in any Clay County School.


Students entering kindergarten (or first grade with approved waiver of kindergarten) shall not be enrolled or entered in the school's attendance register until sufficient proof of immunization (or a certificate as described above) is presented and verified by school officials.


Students transferring into Clay County Schools from other states or from non-public schools in West Virginia (who have not previously attended a West Virginia Public School) shall not be enrolled or entered in the school's attendance register until sufficient proof of immunization (or a certificate as described above) is presented and verified by school officials. Verification of proper immunization may be accepted by phone from the school which the student transfers from, however records showing proof of immunization must be forwarded to school officials within 30 (lays of registration. Failure to provide proof of immunization will result in penalties as prescribed by State Law 16-3-4.


Students transferring from public schools within the State of West

Virginia may be admitted prior to showing proof of immunization; however records showing proof of immunization must be forwarded to school officials within 30 days of registration. Failure to provide proof of immunization will result in penalties prescribed by State Law 16-3-4.


Reference: State Law 16:3:4. 16:3:4a

Adopted July, 1986

Revised August, 1985 - January 1986